

Every Thursday night 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Come to the Hayloft Inn for The Roundup Radio Show and Open Mic Night!1011520_513659472038123_568543694_n (2)

The Roundup is an old school, classically styled variety radio program recorded in front of a LIVE audience using a single large diaphragm condenser studio microphone.  It is recorded at the weekly Thursday Open Mic Night at The Hayloft Inn in Traverse City, Michigan and broadcast on WNMC (90.7 FM) or streamed live on Saturday mornings at 7:00 a.m. and Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm. In 2013, The Roundup plans monthly LIVE shows held at various Northwest Michigan venues and broadcast with Interlochen Public Radio.

Roundup host  and general manager Bill Dungjen began hosting Open Mic around 1999 at The Cedar Tavern. He tried a couple of winters at Traverse City’s Mackinaw Brewing Company and finally, in 2004, settled at The Hayloft Inn. In the intervening years, the open mic has journeyed from the typical mics and monitors setup to an elaborately curtained and carpeted performance shell with a single condenser microphone. Somewhere along the way, the concept of recording the evenings performances and editin them into a radio show came up and was pitched to local public radio station WNMC. Not wanting to be outdone in the crazy ideas department, WNMC provided The Roundup with a weekly time slot and all the moral support they could muster. The Roundup is now a popular destination for local and touring musicians and the show is religiously listened to by literally tens of people.

558871_405655882838483_1458298560_nBand Members Include:  Bill Dungjen, Sandy Blumenfeld, Mike Dorman, Harry Dorman, Jonah Powell, Dick Costlow, Harry Thomas, Tom Carr, Guitar Pat Michael, Digger Mike Campbell, Norwood Pratt, DSR, CR 616, Shayne Arsenault, Sour Mash, Bob Downes, and others too numerous to mention…

Influences include:  Hee Haw, The Grand Ole Opry, Michael Feldman’s Whad’ya Know, Hootenanny, Prairie Home Companion, Austin City Limits, Our Front Porch, Roy Rogers Radio Theater, Riders In The Sky


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